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 Ranjana Dasgupta

I am a part time self taught painter. I would love to paint full time but I have a full time corporate job that I also enjoy.

Over the last few years I have painted on and off. From 2014 decided that I MUST make more time for something that gives me so much peace and satisfaction..

It helped that my family and friends loved the Caledon Badlands and The Fall leaves on a Park Bench. And it helped when Light Space and Time recognized one of my paintings.

My paintings are mostly photo inspired . I am attempting some figurative painting lately in acrylics and pastel. This process is helping me improve and challenge my painting skills.

I consider each piece of art a step towards that perfect piece I will one day create.

My favorite so far is 'Nepal' the picture of the little boy embracing his sister in a world ravaged by natural disaster. This was painted on Terra Skin paper with oil.






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